Instructions for Authors
Authors should submit only papers that have
been carefully proof read and polished. Before submission please make
sure that your paper is prepared using the IJSEI journal paper template.
This will ensure fast processing and publication. Acceptance or
rejection notification will be sent to all authors. The IJSEI invites
contribution in the following categories:
1. Original research.
2. Survey/Review articles, providing a comprehensive review on a
scientific topic.
3. Fast Communications: Short, self-contained articles on ongoing
4. Technical Notes.
We accept extended version of papers previously published in conferences
and/or journals. Submitted papers MUST be written in English, not
exceeding 10 double-column pages IJSEI format. Extra charges might be
made for additional pages and/or formatting paper. Download IJSEI paper template. (Submitted
papers need to be in MS Word format with file extension .doc or .docx)
You will have to submit your manuscript together with the Copyright Form
(Download Copyright Form) to: .
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I submit an abstract?
The journal publishes full research papers. So only full paper
submission should be considered for possible publication. Papers with
insufficient content may be rejected as well, make sure your paper is
sufficient enough to be published.
- Should I revise the paper as your journal
template before submission?
Yes. You’re supposed to format your paper first by following the
paper template before submission. If not, extra charges might be made
for formating paper.
- Does your journal provide English language
support? Will the editors help to revise the paper if my English writing
is not good enough?
Manuscripts that are accepted for publication will be checked by our
editors for spelling and formal style. This may not be sufficient if
English is not your native language and substantial editing would be
required. In that case, you may want to have your manuscript edited by a
native speaker prior to submission. A clear and concise language will
help editors and reviewers concentrate on the scientific content of your
paper and thus smooth the peer review process.
- What is the impact factor of your journal?
The journal impact factor (JIF) normally referred to is the
proprietary journal impact factor from Thomson Reuters calculated based
on the Web of Science (WOS) and published in the Journal Citation
Reports®(JCR). We call this the JCR®JIF. This
journal has no JCR®JIF, but an alternative Google-based
impact factor. Today Science is calculating its own Impact Factor by
applying Thomson Reuters'(TR) algorithm based on Google Scholar's
citation counts. The impact factor of this journal calculated as follows
(All data collected in March 2021):
2 Years Impact
FactorYear |
= |
CitationsYear-1 + CitationsYear-2 |
= |
+ 2162020 |
= |
2.85 |
PublicationsYear-1 + PublicationsYear-2 |
+ 872018 |
5 Years Impact
Factor2020 |
= |
+ 2162020 + 1882019
+ 2042018 + 1712017 |
= |
1.53 |
+ 872020
+ 1382019 + 1752018 + 1822017 |
Article Processing Charges
All articles published in "International Journal of Science and
Engineering Investigations" (IJSEI) are open access and freely available
online, immediately upon publication. This is made possible by an
article-processing charge (APC) that covers the range of publishing
services we provide. This includes provision of online tools for editors
and reviewers, electronic composition, production and hosting,
manuscript management system, electronic archiving, liaison with
abstracting and indexing services, overhead expenses, administrative
costs and customer services. Moreover, we must cover the costs of
publishing the accepted article plus the cost of reviewing articles the
journal reject. The APC, payable when your manuscript is editorially
accepted and before publication, is charged to either you, or your
funder, institution or employer.
- How much is the Article Processing Charge?
Article processing charge for Standard Papers up
to 10 Pages (Two column IJSEI Format) is:
55 € EURO
Extra charges might be made for additional pages (5
€ EURO per page) and/or formatting paper (1
€ EURO per page).
No taxes are included in this charge. If you are
resident in any European Union country you have to add Value-Added Tax
(VAT) at the rate applicable in the respective country. Institutions
that are not based in the Denmark and are paying your fee on your behalf
can have the VAT charge recorded under the EU reverse charge method,
this means VAT does not need to be added to the invoice. Such
institutions are required to supply us with their VAT registration
- Who is
responsible for making or arranging the payment?
As the corresponding author of the manuscript you are responsible
for making or arranging the payment (for instance, via your institution)
upon editorial acceptance of the manuscript.
- When and how
do I pay?
Upon editorial acceptance of an article, the corresponding author
(you) will be notified that payment is due. The payment can be made via
bankwire, Paypal, Western Union, or local banks. We advise prompt
payment as we are unable to publish accepted articles until payment has
been received.
If you belong to Cuba, Iran, Syria, Lybia, Turkey, Nigeria, United Arab
Emirates and Chile then you
can ask for country representative account in your country for online
transfer or direct deposit into bank account.
Peer Review Process
Peer review exists to ensure that journals publish good science.
This benefits the entire scientific community. Sometimes scientists find
the peer review process intimidating because it can lead to the
rejection of their manuscript. Keep in mind that revisions and
improvement are part of the publication process and actually help raise
the quality of your manuscript.
Peer review is an integral part of scientific publishing that confirms
the validity of the science reported. Peer reviewers are experts who
volunteer their time to help improve the journal manuscripts they
review-they offer authors free advice.
complete review process is expected to take maximum of 11 working days
after submission but can take longer depending on the number of papers
currently in review. Authors can expect to hear from the journal's
coordinator at least 4 notifications.
Step 1: The completed manuscript in a soft copy (.doc or .docx) format
along with signed copyright form (image, word format or digitally
signed) should be submitted to
Step 2: Papers will be checked for basic requirements: 1- Fitting the
journal's aims and scopes. 2- Having minimum acceptable quality. 3-
Compliance with the journal's instructions for authors. The manuscript
is then submitted to the committee chair to be assigned for review to
two reviewers considered to have the expertise in the subject area of
the manuscript for a careful dispassionate review. The identity of the
authors and their institutional affiliations will be concealed from the
reviewers (Blind Peer Review).
Step 3: Reviewers will review the paper for technical content,
relevance, timeliness, and value to the readership. The manuscript will
be adjudged into one of four categories: 1) accepted for publication 2)
accepted with minor modifications, 3) accepted with major modifications
and 4) not accepted. The results of the review will be communicated to
the editor for onward transmission to the authors.
Step 4: If required, authors are to modify the manuscript in light of
the reviewers' comments and suggestions and resubmit the manuscript.
5: Authors aill be asked to complete their registration (Sending payment
proof and registration form).
6: Papers will be prepared for publication by publications department
according to journal's criteria.
7: Papers will be archived in journal dedicated servers and other
scientific references according to their subjects.
